Gardening at home is one of the most rewarding activities. There is nothing like the slow satisfaction of watching your veggies grow, taking that first bite, and knowing the store

A small greenhouse, also known as a cold box or portable greenhouse, is perfect for home gardeners who want to start their seeds in containers and get a 6-week head

Raised bed panting is simply gardening above the surface of the ground, whether that is in a container, bed, or raised mound. Raised bed planting creates a tidy, esthetically pleasing

If you are planning to create a compost pile on your property to nourish your garden and repurpose lawn and kitchen scraps, you will love the results. There is nothing

If you have sandy soil, the best way to amend it is with organic compost or well-rotted manure. But first, find out what kind of soil you actually have. You

Do you live in an apartment, have limited gardening space, or just want to make your balcony, porch, or deck edible and beautiful? With a few simple tips, anyone can


The cucamelon, which looks like a tiny watermelon, yet tastes like a citrusy cucumber, can be easily grown in your backyard garden. Even though the cucamelon grows best in warm

The Pepino melon is actually not a melon but fruit from the nightshade family similar to tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers. It’s called a melon though because of its melon-like

Plum tomatoes are a category of tomatoes that are best for making rich tomato sauce and paste. Plum tomatoes have a thicker fruit wall, finer seeds, and less moisture making

The sweet potato is a tropical heat-loving plant in the morning glory family that requires 3 to 4 months of warm weather to develop and be ready for harvesting. You

Sweet cherry trees grow best in zones 5 through 7, while sour cherries grow best in zones 4 through 6. Some hybrid varieties can grow well in zones 6 through

Is it Safe to Eat Pumpkin Leaves?  Home gardeners will be happy to know that pumpkin leaves are edible, safe to eat, and delicious. Think of them like spinach or

With its hard rind, it’s sometimes difficult to tell when butternut squash is ripe. But there are some simple tells in the stem and rind you can watch for to


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